Membership in Theta Xi Fraternity is a commitment that lasts beyond your associate member period and your undergraduate experience. Theta Xi is a life-time edeavor. Over 65,000 men have taken our Fraternity’s oath since 1864. In doing so, each brother commits himself to support his fellow brothers now and throughout each others lives.
We are proud to have a unique group of brothers who are successful in all walks of life. Our alumni are Nobel Prize winners, famous entertainers, and leaders in the corporate world and field of education. Here are just a few men we are proud to call Theta Xi’s:
Jim Davis (creator of Garfield Comic Strip)
Jack Lindquist (President of Disneyland)
Malcolm Lucas (California Supreme Court Justice)
Frank Church (Former Senator from Idaho)
Richard Boone (actor)
Alumni play a key role in the everyday life of our chapters. In addition to our chapter advisor, alumni association officers conduct events for alumni and undergraduates, provide counsel to chapter officers, and seek to maintain or provide housing for chapter members. Brothers become members of the alumni association upon graduation and many volunteer their time, knowledge and resources to see that the bond between generations of members remains strong and that we stay connected after our undergraduate experience.
CALLING ALL ALUMNI: If you want to find out how to stay connected with the fraternity and undergraduate brothers, click here.